Articles (indexed and non-indexed)

2023 Tinya, F.,  Doerfler, I., de Groot, M.,  Heilman-Clausen, J.,  Kovács, B., Mårell, A., Nordén, B., Aszalós, R., Bässler, C., Brazaitis, G., Burrascano, S., Camprodon, J., Chudomelová, M., Čížek, L., D’Andrea, E., Gossner, M., Halme, P., Hédl, R., Korboulewsky, N., Kouki, J., Kozel, P., Lõhmus, A., López, R., Máliš, F., Martín, J.A., Matteucci, G., Mattioli, … Llegiu més

Books & monographs

2021 Coello, J., Guitart, L., Cervera, T., Rovira, J., Piqué, M., 2021. Local policies, climate change and forest management in peri-urban forests: a necessary integration. MixForChange LIFE15 CCA/ES/000060. Centre de Ciència i Tecnologia Forestal de Catalunya, Departament d’Acció Climàtica, Alimentació i Agenda Rural, Centre de la Propietat Forestal, Associació de Propietaris Forestals del Montnegre i … Llegiu més

Dra. Míriam Piqué Nicolau

Activities and research lines Development of tools for sustainable and multifunctional forest management in the current context of global change. Main topics include: Dynamics and growth of forest species in relation with silviculture and forest management techniques. Development of forest management guidelines and silvicultural models adapted to the current context in Mediterranean areas (mixed forests, … Llegiu més

Dr. Jaime Coello Gómez

Jaime Coello is researching on innovative techniques for cost-effective forest restoration, especially in added value species including valuable broadleaved species and stone pine, as well as on agroforestry systems. His activities include designing, implementing and monitoring experimental and demonstrative field trials on sites subjected to minimal management. The aim is to study and develop innovative … Llegiu més

Mario Beltrán Barba

Mario is focused on the development of sustainable forest management guidelines for private owners, dealing with wood-productive and fire-prevention objectives. This  aim to promote clearly applied silvicultural techniques  to different management objectives and species composition. He mainly works with forest inventory data and geographical information, as a support to the elaboration of applied management planning … Llegiu més